GUARD together
3Strand churches covenant to guard the purity of one another’s churches. Church leaders gather monthly, online or in person, for rich fellowship, mutual encouragement, and collective wisdom. Morever, without minimizing the autonomy or authority of the local church, these leaders formally covenant with another for counsel and correction both personally and corporately.
LEARN together
3Strand lead pastors, or other preaching elders, study the Bible, plan sermons, and write positions papers together. 3Strand churches agree to adopt the same materials and processes for training elders, deacons, and future planters.
GIVE together
3Strand churches share material resources including, but not limited to, sermon booklets, various curriculums, marketing materials, etc. Additionally, each church contributes a minimum of 1% toward a 3Strand fund governed by the board.
SERVE together
3Strand churches combine their resources to plan, serve, and participate in retreats, conferences, service projects, and/or other activities for the mutual edification of the one Church and/or God’s one mission.
SEND together
3Strand churches cooperate by sending short-term missionary teams as well as supporting long-term foreign missions or ministries. Working together, 3Strand church will are able to send more consistently and support more effectively.
PLANT together
3Strand churches work together to plant churches. The network acts as a sending organization to support the sending church’s planter. Contributes to a church plan can include, but is not limited to, sending core members, providing training, raising funds, or donating other resources.
REST together
3Strand churches will participate in a once-a-year leadership summit with all 3Strand member elders and their wives. This retreat exists as a respite for leaders and their wives. 3Strand churches will work to gather quarterly for fellowship to further develop relationships among the churches.