
Living out the Great Commandment Fulfilling the Great Commission

The shared practices of the 3Strand Network

Autonomy & Accountability

3Strand is committed to helping protect the gospel that has been entrusted to the local church and to help the leaders of those churches watch their life and doctrine. 3Strand churches covenant for accountability to protect the purity of the gospel witness of the local church. The lead pastors will represent the member churches of 3Strand. As a part of this membership, without minimizing the autonomy and authority of the local church, they will submit to one another for counsel, encouragement, and rebuke regarding their personal lives and the life of their church. The formal 3Strand Covenant unifies our churches into one collective.

Community Participation

3Strand seeks meaningful relationships with other churches that demonstrate our love for one another in Jesus. To that end, 3Strand churches participate in an annual leadership summit for mutual encouragement and to seek Jesus’ will for the network and in their individual churches. In addition, all 3Strand members commit to meeting once a month as a whole and as smaller regional groups. The meeting of the entire network allows the group to connect for fellowship, prayer, network business, and teaching. The regional meeting serves as an opportunity for relationship building and for inviting others into 3Strand in the immediate region.

Annual Teaching Endeavors

3Strand churches seek to help one another be formed in the gospel and preach the good news of Jesus. To that end, once a year 3Strand works together as a whole to create a sermon series. Required participation entails gathering regularly to plan, study, and produce a series together, as an opportunity to help each other, and our churches, grow in the grace of Jesus. We will also work together to host and organize regular retreats and conferences.


We understand our local churches to be united into a bigger family through Jesus. To that end, 3Strand churches will support one another spiritually and materially. Spiritually, the elders of 3Strand churches will regularly pray for the different member churches of 3Strand and for the communities they serve. Materially, 3Strand churches will come to the aid of fellow 3Strand churches where able. In support of the network, each church will contribute a financially toward a 3Strand fund overseen by the membership.

Church Planting and Missions

Embedded in the Great Commission is a command to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.  It is a call to church planting. In an effort to see the gospel transform the world, starting with the Puget Sound and extending to the ends of the earth, we will partner together in church planting and foreign mission endeavors. We believe in giving out of our best, which includes, but is not limited to encouraging our communities to personally participate in regional church planting and committing their churches to network collective missions and church planting endeavors, through prayer, finances, promotion, and volunteer participation.