3Strand Covenant
The lead pastor and their elders covenant together with the other 3Strand Churches according to the following essentials:
1. We agree to enter into a formal covenant relationship that maintains our church’s identity and autonomy while uniting us in a mutually submissive and accountable community of churches.
2. We agree to endorse the theological beliefs of 3strand, as outlined in the official doctrinal statement as written in the 3Strand Bylaws and found at www.3strand.org.
3. We agree to pursue the shared Marks of 3Strand Churches which serve to protect the purity of our individual churches as well as the health of our cooperative.
4. We agree to uphold the 3Strand Network Culture that makes us uniquely 3Strand.
5. We agree to have our lead pastors meet regularly with other members of our region for the purpose of study, counsel, and mutual edification.
6. We agree, as lead pastors, to meet in person monthly, for the purpose of planning, prayer, and praise for our shared gospel work.
7. We agree to support one another spiritually and materially. Spiritually, the elders of 3Strand churches will regularly pray for the different member churches of 3Strand and for the communities they serve. Materially, 3Strand churches will contribute a minimum of 1% toward a 3Strand fund overseen by the board.
8. We agree to support, in word, deed, and spirit other like-minded gospel-centered works, whether churches or organizations, that are not a part of 3Strand.
9. We agree to actively participate in and fully support the shared 3Strand Network Practices with our churches’ time, talent, and resources. We agree to the “spirit and not the letter” of these practices, expecting and extending grace as our church experiences different seasons with different opportunities and challenges.
10. We agree that this covenant will be active for one year from the date signed. At the time of our annual meeting, our commitment will be reviewed by the board of 3Strand and our own church elder board, affirmed, and renewed accordingly.
I, (Pastor's Name), the lead pastor of (3Strand Church)located in (city, state) hereby declare, on behalf of the elders I/we have read, am/are in agreement and will comply with the entirety of the 3Strand membership covenant. I understand that this covenant extends to the church stated above where in which I serve as lead pastor, as well as to any future campus we launch or church we plant.